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Curious About CBD for Sleep & Mood?

Curious About CBD for Sleep & Mood?

If you found your way to our blog, it’s a safe bet you’re interested in CBD, the “second cannabinoid” in the cannabis plant and one that’s associated with powerful psychoactive effects for pain management, relaxation, and recovery. But in today’s post, we’re going to talk about something a little different: The potential of CBD oil for sleep support. Sleep is something we all do, and yet it tends to get overlooked. That’s a shame, because as both clinical studies and a mountain of anecdotal evidence suggest, good sleep is absolutely critical to our health and wellbeing. In fact, many therapists report that sleep quality—both their own and their patients’—is a primary concern in their practices. Here at Papa & Barkley, we think we can help. In particular, our CBD drops and CBD capsules for sleep may make a radical difference in your health and wellbeing. Here’s why. CBD Oil for Sleep: How CBD Works with Your Body   Even in normal times, insomnia is a big deal, affecting an estimated 70 million Americans at any given moment. And now, going on two years into COVID, pandemic fatigue is pushing those numbers to an all-time high. Cannabis—and in particular CBD, a powerful but non-intoxicating cannabinoid, may offer relief. Do your own research (great start, you’re already reading this post), but also bring your therapist into the conversation. Many therapists are up-to-date on the promising CBD research and may be an excellent resource as you determine how best to integrate CBD into your routine. Like other cannabinoids—of which there are over 100!—CBD interfaces with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Though it was only identified in the 1990s, it’s now believed that the ECS is one of the body’s principal regulatory networks, governing, among other processes: Appetite and metabolism Immune response Memory Communication between cells Proper sleep function The ECS sends and receives signals via natural chemicals called endocannabinoids. While these compounds are produced by the body, they’re strikingly similar to those produced by the cannabis plant. What this means for our bodies is that cannabinoids such as CBD and THC are distinctly effective because they’re “speaking the same language” as the chemical signals in the ECS. Some researchers believe that this is why cannabis—in particular CBD—can help us find deeper, more restorative sleep. In part, it was the large body of anecdotal evidence suggesting that CBD helps us sleep that spurred the current research. To that end, a large-scale study completed in 2019 found that CBD helped the majority of test subjects get better rest (and, incidentally, help shed stress and calm overworked nerves). How? The study focused in part on cortisol, a hormone typically associated with stress. While it’s fairly normal for cortisol levels to peak in the morning, high cortisol levels at night are associated with poor sleep. The study concluded that CBD helped reduce cortisol levels, thereby acting as a gentle and all-natural sedative. What’s the Best CBD for Sleep? Try our CBD products in both drop and capsule format. And rest assured: Whichever format and strength you choose will be made from clean, all-natural CBD sourced from whole hemp flowers grown organically and sustainably, right here in the USA. Extracted using nothing more than gentle heat, pressure, and time, our full-spectrum CBD infusion is blended with pure MCT oil derived from coconut. That’s all! Because everyone’s a little different, sometimes it takes a little experimentation to find the optimal dosage. Your therapist may be a good sounding board for your dosing plans. That’s one reason we offer our CBD products in three strengths: Mild, regular, and double strength. Whichever one you choose, we believe they can help you get back on track for better sleep. And remember: Better sleep is a very important factor in improving overall wellness. Do you have any other questions about the best CBD for sleep? Just ask! We’re always happy to help.

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CBD For Sleep: A Plant-Derived Sleep Aid

CBD For Sleep: A Plant-Derived Sleep Aid

Many people struggle with sleep problems that can seriously affect their quality of life. Many also turn to over-the-counter medication in order to help them get the full night’s rest they need. However, over-the-counter or prescription medication is not your only hope for getting sleep. CBD for sleep may be a better option for getting the restful sleep you deserve. The Problem With the Pharmacy An over-the-counter sleep aid can certainly help you to fall asleep, but oftentimes sleep medication can come with unwanted side effects. The most common of these is daytime sleepiness and drowsiness. While a sleeping pill may have you dozing off in no time, its effects won’t just end exactly when you wake up. Many people who take these medications struggle with daytime drowsiness the day after which can seriously affect their ability to function. Additionally, benzodiazepines such as xanax that are commonly prescribed for sleep problems can cause long-term dependency. As a result of these side effects, it’s not uncommon for people to skip the pharmacy and seek out all-natural sleep aid alternatives instead. Supplements like valerian root and lavender are often used as all natural alternatives for relaxation, but they’re not the only options. Another plant-derived compound that has been gaining attention for its possible sleep benefits is CBD. CBD for Sleep: An Effective, Plant-derived Alternative? Many people are turning to CBD to help them sleep. A recent survey found that 11% of people who use CBD products do so for improving their sleep. Another recent survey found that sleep was the second most common reason for using CBD among a survey group of more than 300 people. For some people struggling to shut down for the night, the calming and relaxing effects of CBD could be just what the doctor ordered. By calming their mind, reducing stress, and taking a load off their overburdened brains, CBD may be able to get people in a state of mind to fall asleep. CBD for Sleep: Dosing and Side Effects What’s the best CBD for sleep dosage? That’s tough to say. You’ll have to experiment a little in order to find a dosage that works well for you. A good rule of thumb is to start low and move up slowly each night if you don’t experience the desired effects, so you don’t end up wasting your CBD if a lower dosage may actually work just as well. 5–10 mg is a good starting point for better sleep. CBD is generally well-tolerated, but just like any other supplement, it may come with unwanted side effects. Some side effects can include headache, upset stomach, dry mouth, and drowsiness. If you find yourself experiencing any of these side effects, lower your dosage or stop taking CBD. CBD for Better Sleep: Is it Right for Me? At the end of the day, CBD is just one of many different options for helping you fall asleep. Everybody is different and while one strategy, supplement, sleep aid, or medication may work for one person, there’s no guarantee that it will work for others. Additionally, from capsules to oils and edibles, there are many different kinds of CBD products to try, each with their own advantages. Finding the best CBD sleep product for you will inevitably require some experimentation. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment with different options in order to find what works best for you and your needs. If you’re looking to try out some CBD, check out our shop right now to browse some of the best CBD for sleep products around.

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CBD vs. CBN for Sleep: What You Need to Know

CBD vs. CBN for Sleep: What You Need to Know

If you know Papa & Barkley, you know we’re passionate about leveraging the healing power of cannabinoids. If you’re already familiar with the cannabinoids CBD and THC, you’re in the perfect place to learn about a cannabinoid that hasn’t gotten as much attention (though we have a feeling that might soon change). It’s called CBN, and we’re thrilled to showcase it in our forthcoming CBN gummies for sleep. But this presents a question: If you’re already a fan of our CBD for sleep products, what’s better: CBD or CBN for sleep? In today’s post, we’ll answer that question and others, including: What is CBN? What is the difference between CBD and CBN? Does CBN help with sleep? What’s the best CBN for sleep? Ready? Let’s get set to get drowsy! What Is CBN? As regular readers of our CBD Blog know, CBD is part of a family of compounds called cannabinoids, natural compounds found in hemp, that elicit some very useful effects. CBN—short for cannabinol—is another cannabinoid, and like CBD it interacts with our bodies through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a vital regulatory network that helps our bodies stay healthy, regulate memory and sleep, and maintain homeostasis, among other functions. What Is the Difference Between CBD and CBN? As “cannabinoid cousins,” CBD and CBN share similarities and differences. As we referenced a moment ago, neither imparts a psychoactive euphoria or intoxication. CBD can impart a very mild cerebral “buzz” and has been shown to potentially ease your mind into relaxation (often a precursor to a good night of sleep). On the other hand, CBN may prompt drowsiness—providing promising potential for CBN use as a sleep aid. Research continues as academics study CBN’s potential to play a role in stimulating the appetite and does appear to offer significant pain-fighting properties, though most researchers tend to agree that CBD is an overall better choice for fighting routine aches and strains, if that is the reason sleep eludes you. That said, there’s no reason you can’t combine CBD and CBN for sleep. In fact, many clinicians point to the “entourage effect,” a phenomenon in which cannabinoids and other cannabis compounds act in partnership to elicit stronger effects together than they do on their own. Does CBN Help with Sleep? CBN is created by the breakdown of the cannabinoid THC, and some researchers believe this explains their overlaps in the possibility of imparting a gentle sleepiness. But CBN exhibits very different effects from its “big sibling.” Instead, many people find it contributes to a gentle drowsiness that makes it ideal as a sleep aid. CBN Sleep Aid: What’s the Best CBN for Sleep? Our solventless CBD extraction techniques produce a pure oil that’s as naturally rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. We believe that for our products to be good for you, they have to be good for everyone: Our customers, our workers, our neighbors and the planet. The commitments we’ve made to providing chemical-free gentle extractions that preserve the integrity and benefits of the hemp plant are what makes our products among the most clean and potent available, offering you your best sleep experience yet. CBN Gummies for Sleep: A Delicious New Way to Get Drowsy We’re thrilled to announce the launch of CBN gummies for sleep. Like our CBD Releaf Gummies, our new CBD CBN Sleep Releaf Gummies are vegan, gluten-free, soy-free and handcrafted in small batches. By combining CBD with CBN these gummies deliver effective, sustainable support to help you get to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and recharged. CBD and CBN for Sleep: Taking Charge of Your Rest At Papa & Barkley, we’re committed to harnessing the power of plants as simply and safely as possible so that our whole-plant infusions contain the full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids present in each and every plant we harvest. CBN is an exciting new option for a sustainable and natural sleep aid. We’d love for you to try our new CBN gummies for sleep and find out for yourself! Do you have other questions about our CBN sleep aid? Just ask! We’re here to help.

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3 Therapeutic Benefits And Uses of CBD

3 Therapeutic Benefits And Uses of CBD

CBD oil’s therapeutic potential has made it one of the most talked-about natural remedies around. From stress to sleep to aches, there are many potential uses for CBD oil. Here are three possible therapeutic benefits of CBD you should know about. CBD For Stress What’s all this chatter about using CBD for anxiety and depression? CBD’s anti-stress effects have been well documented and many people feel that it can help them to calm down and relax, especially when they’re super stressed. CBD for Better Sleep Sleep troubles can often be a side effect of an overstimulated mind. A racing mind that won’t quiet down can make it really difficult to fall asleep. Many people use CBD to calm their thoughts. Much anecdotal evidence indicates that sleep seems to come easier for many people who take CBD regularly. Research has begun to support this. CBD won’t directly sedate you or make you feel sleepy, but if you’re struggling to quiet your mind at bedtime, it may be able to help. Many describe the feeling they get from CBD as a sense of relaxation. Since CBD edibles produce longer-lasting effects, CBD pills for sleep may be a better option for those struggling to stay asleep throughout the night. CBD pills for sleep (capsules) are also a good alternative for those who don’t like the taste or texture of CBD oil. CBD Drops for Comfort and Mobility Cannabis has been used to promote better mobility for bodies for thousands of years. It is believed that CBD’s benefits come through its interactions with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a physiological network that keeps the body in balance by managing things such as sleep, appetite, stress, and even physical discomfort. Many people find that CBD drops for pain and other discomforts can help them better manage their symptoms of discomfort both immediately and consistently over time. This may be, at least in part, due to CBD’s joint health effects. CBD’s Possible Side Effects While CBD may be generally safe to use, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any factors to consider before digging in. Like with anything we put in or on our bodies, CBD oil can have some side effects. Though fairly uncommon, you may experience one or more minor side effects of CBD use, including dry mouth, headache, nausea, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, or fatigue. The higher your dosage, the more likely you are to experience some of the side effects of CBD oil. That’s why it’s important to start low and go slow when experimenting with dosages. If your body isn’t accustomed to a higher dose, it’s important to gradually increase the amount you ingest each time you take a dose as you’re figuring out what works best for your body. If you do begin to experience any of these side effects, it's a good idea to lower your dose. We hear stories of improved quality of life regularly, and we’d love to hear about your experience or make some recommendations based on your personal needs. Just drop us a line.

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Tossing and Turning? Try CBD Tincture or Capsules for Better Sleep

Tossing and Turning? Try CBD Tincture or Capsules for Better Sleep

Good sleep is integral to good health. However, getting a good night’s sleep isn’t always easy. Many Americans struggle with sleep problems that affect their ability to function during the day, and that could adversely affect their overall health. From counting sheep to over-the-counter sleep aids, there are many different strategies that people use to help them sleep better. One method that is gaining in popularity is the use of CBD products. In fact, a recent Gallup survey found that 11% of people who use CBD do so to help them sleep. Considering these results, there may very well be a link between better sleep and CBD, but is CBD for sleep actually effective? Sleep and CBD: Will it Work for Me? The first thing to consider when assessing whether to try CBD for sleep is to ponder: What do you think is causing your sleep problems in the first place? CBD may help quell feelings of stress, which many people cite as a contributing factor in loss of sleep. Indeed, research indicates that CBD may alleviate certain types of stress. Stress and poor mood are known to have a negative effect on sleep. For example, a racing mind can make it hard to slip into restful sleep and may even result in waking up throughout the night. Many people find that CBD’s calming effects could potentially help them to settle down and relax before bed. One 2019 study looked at 72 patients who reported anxiety and poor sleep and found that 66.7% had better sleep scores after the first month of dosing with CBD. However, anxious people aren’t the only ones who may benefit from the possible link between CBD and sleep. Just because you don’t suffer from anxiety doesn’t mean that CBD may not result in better sleep. CBD’s potential to relieve mental discomfort may help improve sleep for many people, but it also holds promise for relieving physical discomfort. The anti-inflammatory potential of CBD and use of CBD for muscle recovery may provide just the physical relaxation you need to get better sleep. Best CBD for Sleep: CBD Tinctures or CBD Capsules? When it comes to better sleep and CBD, there are several different types of CBD that may work. It’s important to know the benefits of each delivery method in order to find one that may best suit your needs. When it comes down to it, are CBD tinctures or CBD capsules the way to go for better sleep? If falling asleep faster is a priority, then a product that works more quickly may be the best choice. CBD oils and tinctures can be placed under the tongue from where they can be easily and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Typically, the effects of sublingual CBD can be felt within 30 minutes. A bedtime dose of CBD oil may be the best CBD for sleep option for people who have trouble falling asleep in the first place. Longer-acting forms of CBD may be the best CBD for maintaining uninterrupted sleep throughout the night. Ingestible capsules and edibles are slowly processed by the stomach and released over a longer period of time. The average edible cannabis buzz can last up to eight hours due to the digestion process. As a result, it’s possible that CBD effects may be felt for longer if consumed in edible or capsule form. However, it’s important to note that ingesting cannabis can take anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours to kick in. Again, this method of dosing means that CBD capsules aren’t as fast-acting and may be a better choice for someone struggling to stay asleep throughout the night, rather than someone who has trouble falling asleep in the first place. CBD Options for Sleep CBD has helped many tired people sleep better. Remember that everybody is different and what works for one person may not work for someone else. It’s up to you to experiment responsibly in order to see which CBD may be able to help you best. Looking for some premium CBD products to try out for sleep? Check out our shop right now for a wide selection of CBD oils, capsules, and topicals in a variety of concentrations.

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How to Add CBD to Your Daily Wellness Routine

How to Add CBD to Your Daily Wellness Routine

Have you felt the benefits of CBD but wondered if taking it every day is a good idea? In the past few years, a wealth of clinical studies have demonstrated the potential benefits of daily CBD, from lending us support when we’re feeling stressed to helping us decrease the blues, and even helping us contend with cramps. As many of us are finding, when you take CBD daily, you reap long-term benefits. But as both our common sense (and recent studies) suggest, not all CBD is created equal. Where your CBD supplement comes from as well as how it’s grown, harvested, and processed all make a big difference in its effectiveness. Here at Papa & Barkley, we believe that for our products to be good for you, they have to be good for everyone: Our customers, our workers, and our neighbors. So with that in mind, we’d like to share some of the reasons why adding CBD to routine activities such as exercise, yoga, and your sleep hygiene routine can support lasting health and wellness. Benefits of Daily CBD: The Power of Regular Support If you’ve ever visited our CBD Blog, you probably know that CBD—like THC, the compound responsible for the cannabis plant’s psychoactive “high”—is a cannabinoid, or one of the major “active ingredients” of cannabis and its plant cousin, hemp. And as such, it interacts with our bodies through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a vital regulatory network that helps our bodies stay healthy, regulate memory and sleep, and maintain homeostasis, among other functions. Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t make you feel “high.” Instead, most users report a very gentle cerebral “buzz” or no noticeable cerebral shifts—just an ability to feel more calm, grounded, and centered. Given what we know about the role of the endocannabinoid system, that shouldn’t come as a major surprise. After all, all the processes we named a moment ago—immune function, sleep, and memory, for a start—work best when we’re feeling balanced and well regulated. That’s a major reason why many people feel that using a CBD supplement on an ongoing basis is best for their wellbeing. To cite one example, a 2019 study found that taking CBD for at least a month had a significant effect on reducing social anxiety disorder (SAD) among a group of teens. Another study on the use of CBD daily for sleep disorders found significant improvements after long-term dosing. Of course, with any supplement it’s wise to consider potential long-term risks. That said, study after study suggests that CBD is a safe, non-toxic, and well-tolerated compound. When taken daily in CBD oil, CBD gummies, or CBD softgel or capsule formats, they can support our wellness on an ongoing basis with minimal side effects and at relatively low doses. Using a Daily CBD Supplement: Choosing a Format Unlike our original (and award-winning!) CBD Releaf Balm, ingestible CBD works on the principle that cannabinoids such as CBD are just as effective systemically inside our bodies. That said, there are differences between using CBD topicals and CBD ingestibles. Because the medicine in cannabis ingestibles is processed through the stomach and liver, the onset time—or delay until it begins working—can take up to 90 minutes, and effects are long-lasting; up to 8 hours. So for best results, when you use a CBD ingestible such as our CBD Releaf Capsules, we suggest you wait at least 90 minutes before taking another dose. For even more incremental dosing, you can take CBD in liquid form, as with our CBD Releaf Oil. Because it’s offered in an easy-to-dispense oil format, there are a couple of advantages. For one thing, they offer even more flexible control over a standard capsule dosing size. For another, you can use these drops to add the power of CBD to your favorite foods or beverages. Just dispense one to two dropperfuls (1-2 ml), mix, and enjoy! Do you have more questions about specific CBD formats? In this next section, we’ll respond to specific questions we frequently receive from customers. FAQ: Common Questions About Taking CBD Daily Q: How often can I take CBD? A: As numerous studies suggest, using a CBD supplement daily poses low risk of toxicity or adverse effects. Q: How often can I take CBD oil? A: Many of our customers use CBD daily. Because CBD has been shown to be safe and generally well-tolerated, we recommend you start with a 1ml dose, then increasing over time for desired relief from symptoms. Q: How often can I take CBD gummies?Q: What’s a good CBD daily dosage? A: We recommend you start by taking two CBD gummies once a day, then increasing the dosage as needed. We recommend a consistent, daily CBD routine as this helps increase the efficacy of the product and produces noticeable long-term results. Q: What’s a good CBD daily dosage? A: Because everyone’s body is different, there’s no single recommended dosage. If you’re using a CBD oil, we recommend taking one to two dropperfuls, then repeating as needed throughout the day. For capsules, we recommend a single capsule at a time, also repeated as needed throughout the day.   Taking CBD Daily: Why Pure, All-Natural Medicine Matters At Papa & Barkley, we’re committed to harnessing the full power of plants as simply and safely as possible. Our whole-plant infusions contain the full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids present in each and every plant we harvest. And we’re committed to solventless extraction, which minimizes the impact of production on our people (and our planet!). Do you have other questions about taking CBD daily? Just ask! We’re here to help.

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CBD Oil for Trouble Sleeping

CBD Oil for Trouble Sleeping

If you’re like us, you’ve dealt with trouble sleeping at one point in your life. From insomnia to random nightmares, there can be a range of issues that can keep us from getting the sleep you deserve. Waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep is not ideal, and sometimes cracking a book or counting sheep just don’t cut it. Fortunately, we have found our secret to sleep success: CBD oil! Papa & Barkley’s whole plant infusion process provides a natural solution to falling asleep and staying asleep. Let’s learn a little bit more about CBD oil, sleep patterns, and why sleep is one of our favorite self-care activities!  What is CBD Oil?  CBD oil has been rising in popularity as a viable means to help aid in natural sleep. CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis and the second only to THC when it comes to average volume. Recently, CBD has gained support for its use as a medicine. With natural properties that soothe the mind and body, CBD is a game changer for those who have trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep. At Papa & Barkley our CBD oil is created through a proprietary solventless whole plant process. When looking at how is CBD oil made, the preferred method is whole plant extract because it is full spectrum. This means that, when the oil is made, it contains not only CBD but also some levels of THC as well as other cannabinoids and terpenes. Products that use the whole plant keep the natural healing properties intact, which is why they are so effective.     CBD Oil & the Endocannabinoid System When you use CBD oil, it interacts with your endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps your body maintain a state of balance and stability, or homeostasis. The endogenous cannabinoid system, aka the endocannabinoid system (ECS), can be thought of as the air traffic control center for the body. It controls physiological processes – including appetite, pain sensation, mood, and memory.  Every person’s body has an endocannabinoid system. There are two types of receptors — CB1 and CB2 receptors that are found all throughout your body. CB1, which are most concentrated in the central nervous system and brain receptors interact directly with THC. If you are taking a product without THC, then you are not activating half of your endocannabinoid system.  CB2 receptors are abundant in the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and peripheral nervous systems, and the natural cannabinoids and phytonutrients found in cannabis communicate with these signal receptors of the ECS to help reduce minor aches, discomfort, and normal inflammation. When you consume CBD oil, the natural properties are processed through the ECS to provide a calming effect for the mind and body. Some studies have suggested that taking CBD oil regularly may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep.     What is a Circadian Rhythm? For all the sleep-deprived folks out there, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Your circadian rhythm is off.” And then you’ve thought to yourself: “What is a circadian rhythm, anyway?” Well, we’re here to explain the mystery of circadian rhythms and how they can impact your sleep cycle. Basically, circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow an everyday cycle and respond to the lightness and darkness in one’s environment. For example, being awake during the day and sleeping at night is a light-related circadian rhythm. Most living things follow a circadian rhythm, which help determine sleep patterns.   A major factor that affect sleeps issues is blue light aka the light that emits from your cell phone and computer screen. That exposure that we are constantly bombarded with every day can alter our circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. Not-so-fun fact: did you know the blue light from our electronics suppresses melatonin? Meaning, if your phone is five inches from your face right before you turn over to fall asleep, that could mess with your sleep! And if you’re one of the lucky people that use a computer for work, you are constantly bombarded by blue light all day long, so it’s no surprise more and more people are having trouble sleeping. For this, and so much more we turn to CBD oil to help our mind and body relax, unwind, and prepare for a (fingers crossed!) restful night’s sleep.     CBD Oil for Trouble Falling Asleep Dealing with insomnia? Can’t get back to sleep after a bad dream (hi!)? You’re going to want to read this. CBD isn’t just for achy muscles and joints anymore; it’s become one of my favorite sleep aids! CBD oil and minor cannabinoids like CBN have been known to promote relaxation and a calmer state to help your mind and body get ready for a solid 7-8 hours of restful sleep.  While I love a good chamomile tea to help me unwind before bed, I don’t always enjoy that my body wakes me up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It’s the opposite of what I want. So, instead of gulping down that cup of tea in fear of not being able to fall asleep, I now turn to Papa & Barkley’s CBD Releaf Drops and CBD Releaf Capsules. Depending on my mood, I take a dropper or one capsules about an hour before bed, hop into bed with a book, and within 30-45 minutes, I start to feel the CBD oil working its plant-based magic. My eyes get a little tired, and I know it’s about time to put down the book and prepare for a good night’s rest.  -Laine     Sleep as Self Care We all need self care. Don’t deny it, you deserve some rest. And not just any rest, better rest. No joke, sleep plays a vital role in having good health and well-being throughout your life. It’s just as important though, that you get enough quality sleep at the right times. Sleep helps protect your mental health, physical health as well as your quality of life. There are several things you can do to aid and maintain a natural sleep schedule. A bedtime routine is essential. Not only does a routine help you get better sleep, it allows the body to relax and prepare for bedtime Here are some strategies for getting enough Zzz’s:  Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.  Try to keep the same sleep schedule on weekends as you do on weeknights.  Use the hour before bed for quiet time. If you are a reader, that is the perfect time to pick up that amazing book you’ve been neglecting!  Try to eat your dinner a couple hours before bedtime, that way your body has time to start the digestion process.  Avoid stimulants like caffeine or nicotine before bed.  Get some time in the sun every day (if your state permits!) and be physically active (when possible).  Keep your bedroom quiet, cool, and dark (If you’re like me, pitch black is best! -Cyrus).  Take a warm bath before bed.   Meditation is a proven method for calming the mind and centering yourself before heading off to rest. Focus on your breathing or pair your meditation with a breathing exercise!   Avoid screen time- the blue light from your smartphone or TV can inhibit the natural sleep responses of the body, so turn your phone off and put it away. Chuck the remote, your body will thank you in the morning.  CBD oil: Papa & Barkley’s CBD Releaf Drops are a powerful way to soothe the mind after a long day and help your body unwind so you can find restful sleep.     A better night’s sleep means a better you! No one likes a grumpy goose, and we don’t know about you, but when we don’t sleep well, we’re all out of whack. So, the next time you’re scrolling on Instagram or can’t stop playing Words with Friends or CandyCrush, stop for a second and think about what your body really needs. Put the phone down, grab some CBD Releaf Drops or CBD Releaf Capsules, hop into a warm bath or do a quick meditation and prepare yourself for 8 hours of much-needed sleepful bliss!  Ready for the Sleep of Your Dreams? Shop CBD Oil   References & Citations,falling%20asleep%20and%20staying%20asleep.,pressure%2C%20diabetes%2C%20and%20stroke.   

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Natural Ways to Sleep Better with CBD Drops

Natural Ways to Sleep Better with CBD Drops

By: Laine Hammer & Cyrus Sepahbodi Raise your hand if you’ve had a rough night’s sleep. Yeah, we have too, and for many of us, it’s a nightly struggle to not only fall asleep, but also stay asleep. We all have various life stressors that make it difficult to quiet our minds and truly unwind. Getting a good night’s rest is especially important when we’re feeling most uneasy. Finding solutions for better sleep can be as simple as unplugging from your electronics or establishing a relaxing nighttime ritual. At Papa & Barkley we aim to make you feel better every day, so we’re here to help you learn about sleep cycles, why REM sleep is important, what sleep deprivation is, and several natural ways to help you sleep better with remedies like CBD drops.  What is Sleep Deprivation?  To put it simply, sleep deprivation is when you are not sleeping enough. Getting adequate sleep is as important to our survival as consuming enough food and water every day. Being sleep deprived can take a toll on brain function and affect other processes in our bodies. Sleep deprivation can also lead to drowsiness, an inability to concentrate, memory impairment, reduced strength, and difficulty fighting off infections. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep, below is a list of natural remedies to promote healthy sleep.  What Time Should I Go to Bed?  Your sleep schedule depends on your lifestyle, so there isn’t one perfect time to get into bed. However, it is extremely important to get at least 6-8 hours of good, restful sleep. If you’re like me, you tend to work into the wee hours of the morning – that’s okay! – just make sure you’re getting enough rest to function properly the next day! For many of us, getting enough hours of sleep each night can be difficult. Most people tend to wake up at a similar time every morning, while what time we go to bed can fluctuate based on social life, work schedules, personal obligations, our latest Netflix binge (Schitt’s Creek, anyone?), and stress. Developing a consistent sleep schedule can help you regulate your sleep cycles and ensure you wake up refreshed and ready for the day each morning. To help you regulate your sleep cycle aka circadian rhythm, we recommend trying out Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD Drops! Taking CBD drops thirty minutes before you intend to hit the hay can help calm your mind and body and prepare you to drift off peacefully into the land of nod. -Cyrus  “Best CBD drops I’ve tried so far! I’ve had trouble staying asleep for the last few months and this did the trick. Not only did I sleep through the night, but I woke up feeling completely rested. Definitely keeping this part of my nightly routine!”   -Jennifer M.  Here’s a handy sleep chart from the CDC to help:   Keep in mind, these are just recommendations. Each person is different, and our sleep needs can change, so it’s important to stay in tune with your body and adapt your nighttime routine over time.  Sleep Stages Explained: Why REM Sleep Is Important  Sleep is not a total state of unconsciousness from the beginning to end. There are various stages that our minds and bodies go through while we sleep. Here are the primary stages of sleep explained:  Stage 1 non-REM sleep: the changeover from wakefulness to sleep. This period lasts several minutes where we are in light sleep. Our resting heartrate, breathing, and eye movements slow down. Our muscles also relax, and brain waves slow as well.   Stage 2 non-REM sleep: the period of sleep before we enter a deeper sleep. At this point our heartrates, breathing, and muscles relax further. Our body temperature lowers, and eye movement stops completely. Brain activity slows down as well. We tend to spend more of our sleep cycles in stage 2 than any other stage.  Stage 3 non-REM sleep: this is the stage of deep sleep. Deep sleep is what we need to feel refreshed when we wake up in the morning.  Deep sleep occurs in longer periods during the first half of your cycle. Our heartrates and breathing slow down to their lowest levels and our muscles completely relax.    Stage 4 Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep: REM sleep—when we dream—first occurs around an hour and a half after we fall asleep. REM is the process where our eyes move rapidly from side to side behind the eyelids. Our brain waves become active, breathing becomes faster or slower, and our heartrates as well as blood pressure can increase. Most of our dreams occur during REM sleep, although it is possible for dreams to occur in the other stages. When we are in REM sleep our arms and legs become temporarily inactive, which prevents us from acting out the dreams.    Natural Sleep Remedies  There are many ways we can unwind and calm our minds and bodies before bed, but here are a few of our faves to help you kickstart your new bedtime routine.  Breathing Exercises: Cyrus is our marketing team breathing master and has introduced us all to mindful breathing! Try the 4-7-4 method. Take a deep breath in for four counts, hold it in for seven counts, and breath out for four slow counts. Do this 3-5 times to help you slow down before you drift off. -Laine  Drinking tea: Finally, a nice calming tea! A warm cup of Chamomile, Lavender, or Breathe Easy tea is a great comfort to signal to the brain that it’s time to get cozy and drift off to sleep. This is where CBD drops come in handy! Add a dropper of Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD Drops to your favorite nighttime tea to prepare you for a good night’s rest. Pro-tip: there are two preferred methods when dosing with CBD drops—sublingually, under the tongue, or directly into your tea. When taking them sublingually, hold under the tongue for thirty seconds for fastest effects. Placing your dose directly into your tea is just as effective but can take up to 45 minutes for full effect!  Unplug before bed: We know it can be hard not to do a final sweep of social media and email before bed, but studies have shown that the blue light from our electronics suppresses melatonin - the naturally occurring chemical in our brains that promotes sleepiness at night! So, if your phone is five inches from your face right before you turn over to fall asleep, that could mess with your rest. Put down the phone an hour before bed and you might just see some positive changes! If you really can’t commit to that (we get it!), we recommend trying blue light glasses, or a free app on your computer like Flux to help reduce blue light on your screen at certain hours.  Meditation: Much like breathing exercises, meditation is another relaxation tool to help you decompress and prepare your mind and body for sleep. Tip: Try closing your eyes and sitting or lying still for 5-10 minutes without letting outside thoughts intrude your brain space. We mean it – really try to focus on not getting distracted! It’s hard, but worth it. We know quieting your mind can be challenging and could even feel silly at first, but the more you try, the more it pays off! If you don’t know where to start, we recommend the book 10% Happier by Dan Harris. Keep at it, you’ll get there!  Reading a book: Diving into a good book before bed is my #1 way to unwind. I’ve always loved reading, and the joys of entering a world that isn’t my own. It’s always been a relaxing past time. -Laine  CBD: Better Sleep. For You.  We didn’t list it above because we think it deserves its own paragraph! Papa & Barkley’s Releaf CBD Drops are a clean and natural sleep remedy that can easily become a part of your everyday nighttime ritual. Our Whole Plant Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Drops (tincture) are made with our whole plant infusion process using just MCT Oil and Hemp Extract. Our clean CBD tincture is also our fastest-metabolizing formula when taken sublingually, so you can fall asleep quicker. The CBD Releaf Drops come with a measured dropper, so you can easily find your unique dose and titrate as needed. 30 minutes before bed, we recommend taking 0.5ml - 1ml of the Drops. They come in Natural and Lemongrass Ginger so you can pick your flavor of choice! If you prefer to add CBD to your nightly vitamin regimen, we suggest the Hemp CBD Capsules instead! Papa & Barkley Hemp Caps consist of a precise dose of 30mg of CBD to take the guesswork out of dosing, making them ideal for getting a better night’s sleep.  Releaf Capsules really work for sleep!  “For years, I’ve had the worst time falling asleep at night. Nothing worked — not melatonin, not valerian, not even Ambien. Enter Releaf capsules. I take one about half an hour before bed, and as soon as I turn out the light, I’m asleep. Worth every penny!”  -Marci G.  We hope this was helpful! Get cozy and rest easy tonight!   Resources & Citations: 

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Why CBD with Yoga is the Best Idea Ever

Why CBD with Yoga is the Best Idea Ever

Cheryl Guinto What is better than living your best life with the daily practice of yoga? Adding CBD to help you connect and relieve stress.   It is estimated by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year. Many of us experience some form of stress throughout our day. Our schedules are packed, we are working hard at growing our careers, juggling expenses and (hopefully) maintaining some semblance of a personal or social life. Being stressed out does not only degrade our productivity, but that feeling of being weighed down is carried throughout our day, forcing us out of the moment while adversely affecting our health and wellness. It is a challenge, to say the least, to try and mitigate. Maybe that is why so many people are turning to yoga and mindful meditation to find calm and reconnect with our bodies in the moment. But yoga isn’t the only practice that can help us cope with our daily lives. While many people are turning to CBD as a viable medicine to treat medical ailments, there are many who are receiving value from incorporating cannabidiol as a tool to help fight stress and anxiety. The best part? There’s actual medical evidence of how CBD, when paired with Yoga, can help with stress and improve emotional well-being.   YOGA AND CBD FOR STRESS So, what happens when you pair Yoga with CBD? The natural compounds found in cannabis which naturally help your overall well-being and take your yoga practice to the next level. As many yogis are discovering, CBD products and yoga practice go together like bolsters and blocks. Using CBD doesn’t get you high, so it is entirely safe and acceptable to use during your yoga practice. The real science behind the positive effects of CBD has to do with terpenes. Cannabis and other natural healing plants such as lavender, lemongrass, thyme, cloves, rosemary, basil, and pine all have terpenes. But CBD has higher concentrations of terpenes such as Linalool (stress reduction & discomfort), Myrcene (reduce muscle tension & normal inflammation), and Pinene (alertness & memory retention) to help make your yoga practice even more effective. BENEFITS OF YOGA WITH CBD CBD is a natural fit for a restorative-style or gentle yoga class. Because CBD can help with whole body discomfort, improve vitality, decrease normal inflammation, and is associated with increased mood, it is only natural to add it to a yoga regiment. It all really comes down to how CBD, a cannabinoid compound derived from the cannabis plant, interacts with our endocannabinoid system (ECS).   FEEL MORE CONNECTED WITH YOGA AND CBD CBD products, such as the kind we produce at Papa & Barkley Essentials, can easily be applied to your body or ingested via tinctures or capsules. We recommend checking out our quick start dosing guide if you have any questions. Consistency is key, because CBD works best with a regular regimen.

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